Вторник , 08.02.2011
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Экономика Украины-2011
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Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS

Head institution of the Scientific and Methodic Centre “Agriculture”. It fulfils the function of the Centre of Scientific Provision of the Agroindustrial Production of the Kyiv region, part and partition of which become 20 research institutions of different trend of researches in the branch of agriculture.
The Institute conducts the scientific investigations and gives the recommendations and consultations on the questions of the development and improvement:

  • of scientific foundations of farming systems (crop rotation systems, soil tillage and plant protection from weeds, fertilization, measures for the increase of soil fertility and the protection from erosion, the optimization of land use structure);
  • of the cereal, legume, groat, oil, fodder crop and flax growing technologies;
  • of the plant protection from diseases and pests, the registration tests of biological and chemical means of plant protection (dressers, fungicides, insecticides, etc.);
  • radioecological investigations and consultations on the questions of agricultural radiology;
  • of winter and spring wheat, winter rye, triticale, buckwheat, millet, soybean, rape, lupin, maize, perennial leguminous and cereal grass breeding and elite seed production for the Forest-Steppe and Polissia zones of Ukraine;
  • of the improvement of professional skill of scientific personnel, specialists of different agroindustrial formations and rural population;
  • of the preparation and publication of books of scientific proceedings, recommendations and materials of scientific and practical conferences and workshops.

    Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS
    2 B Mashynobudivnykiv str. Township Chabany, Kyevo-Svyatoshynskyi district
    Kyiv region, 08162 Ukraine
    Tel./Fax: (044) 566-23-27, 526-20-25

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